portrait of Shannon

Chicago based

and Full-Stack Engineer

About Me

Hey! My is Shannon. I am an avid burger eater and terrible driver. I never remember my reusable bags and physically can’t walk in a straight line. Now that you know a little about my strengths, onto the more important things; above all, I am a problem solver. Puzzles, logic games, and algorithm problems, are right up my alley. At the core of problem solving is being a constant student. I love staying on top of new technologies and learning new languages. Finding out why something does or doesn’t work is why I love coding.

Like any other indecisive millennial, I wanted to find a career that was challenging and fulfilling. Software engineering was the perfect place to combine my love for design and creativity with problem solving and tech. Now I get to create beautifully crafted code to help businesses thrive and call it work (but it’s really just fun).

I am a recent graduate of the Full-Stack Graduate Certificate program at Northwestern and graduated Summa Cum Laude from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science in Graphic Information Technology.

I hope you enjoy this site and getting to know me. Contact me if you want to get in touch!

