
This fullstack app is a syllabus generator designed for college professors and currently being used by Arizona State University Faculty. The user friendly fully customizable syllabus creator automatically updates and input university specific language on Title IX, Corona Virus, and other mandatory sections. The final product is an auto formatted pdf and embeddable html versions of the syllabus. SyliGen is created with HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, JS, Node, Express, MySQL. Deployed on Heroku.

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Notify is a group project created as a neighborhood forum app. Users can log in and select their chicago neighborhood, then post and notify their neighbors or crime, events, lost dogs and much more. Notify was created by HTML/CSS, JS, Node, Express, Handlebars, MySQL, and SVG.

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Note Taker

Note Taker is a full stack note taking app designed to make creating saving and updating notes easy and user friendly. The note taker is made with HTML/CSS Bootstrap, JS, Node, and Express all deployed on Heroku.

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Team Profile Generator

This team profile generator is a command line app made using inquirer. It takes the user through a series of questions regarding team members, their different roles and contact information. It then displays all of the info in an html page. The app passes 17 jest tests.

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CollabCal is a group project, and social networking meets calendar app. Users can join calendar groups and chat on each event to coordinate car pools or meeting times. Users can also check if they are going or not. CollabCal was made with HTML/CSS, JS, Node, Express, React, MySQL, and firebase authentication.

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